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Our Impact

Empowering Communities, Transforming Lives: Kisoboka Africa’s Increasing Impact

Kisoboka Africa has equipped 4,000+ community members in rural Lwengo, mostly women, with invaluable business skills. By organizing them into savings and lending groups based in schools, we have provided them with access to finances to kickstart income-generating activities. The impact of our work is tangible and far-reaching, with over 1,500 children in Lwengo and Lyantonde districts benefiting from increased educational opportunities, thanks to their parents’ newfound ability to finance their education.

Education and Financial Empowerment:
The results speak for themselves – parents have successfully saved more than $280,000, unlocking a world of possibilities. Over 1500 businesses have been launched, ranging from water harvesting for sale to agricultural projects, value addition for agricultural products, art and craft, retail shops, and boda-boda ventures. These enterprises have not only elevated living standards but have also created a ripple effect of progress throughout the entire community.

Transforming Lives, One Child at a Time:
One of our most significant achievements is the 100% school retention rate among the children of our members. These young learners now enjoy a 90% daily attendance rate, fueled by their newfound interest in education. By equipping them with essential skills and enabling them to pursue their own projects at school, we have ignited a passion for learning that will shape their future and drive them towards success.

Building more Resilient  Communities:
Kisoboka Africa recognizes that education is a collaborative effort, and we are proud to have fostered improved parental engagement through weekly interactions with teachers during our meetings. By strengthening the bond between parents and educators, we are creating a support system that empowers children to thrive academically.

Expanding Our Impact:
Our vision extends far beyond the communities we currently serve. We aspire to see poverty eradicated and entire communities thriving, with well-educated and productive children at the forefront. To achieve this, we are actively engaging with local government leaders and the Ministry of Education in Uganda. By advocating for the adoption of our successful model in all government schools across rural areas, we aim to transform countless lives and uplift communities on an unprecedented scale.

Equipped for Success:
At Kisoboka Africa, we don’t just provide financial support; we equip our members with the essential business skills needed to run profitable enterprises. By nurturing their entrepreneurial spirit and fostering a culture of self-reliance, we empower individuals to chart their own path to prosperity.